Sunday, November 21, 2010

Welcome to my first blog..

Ok this is my first Blog so here we go.

First I am thankful. I am thankful that the LA years have been good.
I am thankful and excited about playing Europe in 2011 and I am thankful for the many lessons I have learned throughout my life, both good and bad.

Second I am challenged. I am always challenged by time because I am balancing two careers, the first as an audio engineer and the second as a musician/ music producer.

As an audio professional it is nice to be working because honestly, working in the Los Angeles entertainment industry is fun, exciting, intense and a blessing considering that LA is a crazy expensive place to live.

The challenge is that it's a feast or famine type of working environment right now and the current US economy doesn't help. In short, you're either struggling or you're swamped.

I am swamped, which is a blessing and a challenge.
I accept them both because this is what I prayed for when I first came to LA and despite the workload, I am incredibly fortunate and extremely thankful.

That being said, I am currently (and finally) finishing the last tracks of my upcoming solo Stick CD which should be completed in early 2011. Due to the balancing of my schedule this has taken FOREVER to finish, so its exciting but embarrassing that it has taken so very long.

Next I'm putting together the 2011 European tour. This is really exciting for me because I love to perform and don't have the opportunity to play live as much as I would like to.

I played in France earlier this year at the "Folies Tapping Festival", a festival celebrating tap instruments. A tap instrument is basically a string instrument that by design is played with both hands on the fretboard.

The musicians that performed there and many of the fans were from all over Europe. It was AWESOME!!!!

The audience was amazing, the music was incredible! Honestly, that gig was one of the greatest experiences of my life. The French are a nation of wonderful creative people and have been since the beginning of time. Like most Europeans, they value and enjoy musicians and music. I made many new friends there and can't wait to see them again so I look forward to returning there to play.

After the Festival was over many of the musicians gathered at the home of Youenn Landreau, one of the Festival organizers and performers. Youenn's living room was filled with guitars, amplifiers, Chapman Sticks and a grand piano. Questions started between musicians about their playing styles and the next thing you know, we were all taking turns playing for each other which eventually led to a jam session.

I was in a room with some of the most incredible musicians. Youenn Landreau, Jan Laurenz, Preston Reed, Jim Lampi, members of the French band Costik. Many of us didn't even speak the same language but when we counted to four and started playing together there were no barriers. It was awesome.

I love being a musician.

Thanks so much for tuning in to my first blog.
Until next time...

Kevin Keith


  1. happy to know the new album is coming 2011...

  2. I am proud and very happy for you Kev. I can say I was one of your 1st drummers back in the day. Only the best.
